Fusion® by Viora at a Glance

Fusion® is Viora’s exclusive treatment approach where unique nature and flexibility of Viora’s Proprietary Technologies enables a synergetic effect which leads to superior results!

  1. Increase in safety

  2. Decrease in number of treatments

  3. Increase in effectives

How Viora’s Fusion® Works


Based on long term experience with different technologies and biochemical compounds, Viora’s scientists developed a unique solution derived from a synergistic phenomena. In contrary to “typical” treatments thanks to Synergistic approach where “a whole is greater than the simple sum of its parts”, the results are unmatchable!


The Fusion® treatments gain their desired, unmatched effect thanks to the precise logical order of Viora’s Technology winning team!

From Viora's Knowledge Center
ReVive Fusion Treatment as a Comprehensive Solution for Labial Aging White Paper: Inna Belenky (Ph.D.), Irina Vozdvizhenskaya (M.D.), Yulia Shtirshnayder (M.D.) and Avital Glaoubach (M.D; OB-GYN)
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